Friday, May 16, 2008

It’s official. I got my old job back. Interesting, to say the least. I’m not tripping out over it either. If anything, I’m tripping by the fact that I’m not tripping.

I stopped by to see that elderly couple from yesterday’s mishap. I didn’t get to see the wife because she was resting, but I talked to the husband. More accurately, I listened to husband. He told me this incredibly long story about…something. I had no idea what he was telling me through his accent, but I trust that it was a great story. He was so animated while telling it; his face just lit up with joy. Or maybe he was saying “keep your dirty paws off of my wife or I’ll breaka your face!” I don’t know.

No auditions for two weeks. Wow. I wonder how long it will last. Another day? Another week? A month? Another hour. I don’t think I’ve had my last audition, callback or booked my last job, but who really knows when the last one is? Time will tell.

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