Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wow, it has been SO slow lately. I haven’t had a commercial audition in 2 ½ weeks and my last theatrical appointment was much longer ago. Fortunately, I had a print go-see come thru.

Print go-see “Wells Fargo” @ Gayle Means Casting. Oh No! After working all night last night I totally overslept right through my appointment time. My appointment was between 2 and 2:30pm and I didn’t wake up until 3:44pm. Not good. I was so angry with myself that I didn’t even break my neck trying to get there. I waas smoldering. I took a shower, got myself ready and made my way over and hoped for the best. Fortunately it wasn’t too far from my apartment. As soon as I got there my agent called to try and find out where I was and why I didn’t make my allotted time. I was honest and told her that I work overnight, full-time and simply overslept. Usually, I set my BlackBerry alarm and it works fine, but this time my battery had run out and in my delirious state at 6:30 am forgot to put it on the charger. I got seen and it wasn’t a problem.

Later, since I’m planning to move when my current lease is up, I went to look at a new apartment. I had just parked my car and looked out the passenger window as I was rolling it up and whom do I see? The elderly couple that the husband had run over the wife on his scooter last Summer. The adventure is here. I looked over at them, not thinking they would remember me. The wife just kinda looked at me, but the husband looked and smiled…but he always smiles… I’m not sure, but it might be loose dentures that makes him smile...or maybe his wife makes him really happy. A good lady can certainly do that!

So I got out of the car and walked toward them ready to explain who I was and the husband said “Hey!” I said, “Do you remember me?” He said, “Yes”. I said, “I’m the guy from back when you had the scooter accident”. He replied, “Yes, I remember you. Thank you!” His wife still didn’t know who I was so he explained in their native language and she perked up right away and said, “Yes! Thank you!” I said to her, “Are you okay? How are you feeling?” She said that she still had a few pains from the accident but she was okay. She also laughed and told me that he is no longer allowed to drive the scooter. They are just the sweetest couple… and yes, that is proof what a good lady can do for a man. Oh yeah, and I liked the apartment I looked at next door, but it’s way early in my search so who knows where I’ll end up.

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