Callback: “K-Mart” @ Ross Lacy Casting. OMG! I had a blast at this callback; much better than the first audition. That just goes to show; you never know what the powers that be are looking for. I mean, how did I even get called back for this? I felt terrible when I left the room after this audition. It doesn’t really matter how I felt about the performance; it matters that “they” felt. “They” being the client, director, ad agency, copywriter, producer, casting director and/or session runner, etc. Yes, don’t forget the session runner. In some cases, the session runner can be the one to decide to not leave your performance on the tape/CD – almost like you never showered, shaved, deodorized and drove across town to look all fresh and purty for the audition in the first. Something to think about huh?
Anyway, it was a good one and they should book me. Right?
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