Monday, June 28, 2010

It’s my birthday! I have always kept my birthday a low-key affair. Part of the reason is that I’ve always looked a bit younger than I actually am and it usually draws attention to that fact. Another reason is that I have a serious fear of rejection. I have always feared that if I tried to have a birthday party nobody would show up. Same thing with Christmas; I never ask for gifts for Christmas.

What I thought I was going to do was to go to Olive Garden, alone, for dinner (I like the breadsticks) and buy the new iPhone 4 (it’s on order). That isn’t what happened. One of my co-workers at the night job sent me a text, wished me a Happy Birthday, said we’re getting wasted and sent a text to the whole staff at work to inform them of the fact. Needless to say I was freaking nervous…I’d never had any type of birthday gathering.

I have to say it was a great time and very interesting to watch through my sober eyes. Sure, I’ve been to plenty of gatherings and watched people morph from normal guy/gal to “who IS that?” This was different because this particular gathering was being held in my honor and for some reason I felt a certain amount of responsibility to keep things in check. Yeah, there was some broken glass, but nothing crazy or insane. I know I wasn’t supposed to, but I slipped the waitress an extra tip…I know how great that feels when someone does that for me when I’m waiting tables.

It would have been even cooler if I was a drinker, but I’m just not. I hated cheating my friends out of the joy of “THIS GUY NEEDS A DRINK!” or “WE’RE DOING SHOTS!” To replace the void of me not drinking I smoked a few cigarettes instead. My goal was to feel crappy in the morning…like I had partied like a rockstar. So I smoked a brown thingy by Nat Sherman and a Parliament Light. Neither of them left too much of an after taste, but I did get a little light-headed.

Later a group of us hung out at a co-workers apartment while they played music that was waaay too loud at 3:30 in the morning. Then we headed to another friends apartment for more music. I finally got home about 5:30am. I was partied out. I hope I can wake up for my 11:30 commercial audition in a few hours. I had a great time.

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