Friday, March 23, 2012

Audition/Tape: “Hollywood Heights” @ Shaner/Testa Casting.  I had never heard of this show before the appointment, but I did a little research and help determine my take on it.  The read went pretty well and I think I’m right enough for it so; hopefully, it’ll turn into something bigger…like a booking.

1 comment:

ben1014 said...

Hi, Just had a look at your blog. Nicely laid out and you get to the point real good. You seem to have a lot happening every day trying to crack the acting business. Lucky You. Anyway we are not so lucky on this side of the world in Ireland. Not a lot happening and if you get an audition call once every 3 months from your agent you are doing well at the moment. Best of luck with all your auditions and if you get a minute maybe check out my blog. You can get me at Vincent Browning .com I would be interested in getting a chat going with some actors so that I can add some news from different countries to my blog. Take Care.