Thursday, July 18, 2013

Audition: “ABC Talent Showcase” @ ABC/Disney/Jessie Disla Casting Director – I try to get in these showcases that the different networks sponsor every year.  For this one I dropped off my photo & resume about two weeks ago and I got a call for an audition last week, so here I am.

The read went well; I did everything I wanted to do in the room.  It was a lot of fun.  Isn’t that what it’s supposed to be?  Anyway, on the way out, the casting director, spoke to me.  I knew I had met her before, but I couldn’t remember her name. 

She refreshed my memory.

It was Jessie Disla.  She was an assistant at Warner Bros. TV back when they staffed an entire casting department.  Those were the days!  She remembered when I booked my first TV job, FRIENDS, back in 1999.  She thanked me for coming in and said that “she was really glad to see that I was still pursuing it, the dream”.  That was very nice of her to show support and encouragement of my career.

Audition: “FEMA PSA” @ Francene Selkirk Casting.  This was great fun! I even had a wife and two kids to work with…maybe, one day, that’ll happen in my real life!

I got some interesting news at work this afternoon that, I suspect, will result in a very, very significant reduction in earnings.  Not good.  I really have to make this “acting thing” work.  Like seriously.

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