Friday, June 28, 2002

Today I went to the site of the World Trade Center. To say it was unbelievable would be putting it mildly. To actually be in the space that I've seen in such a tragic way was something I can't even describe. I can't even imagine what it was like 8-9 months ago. I got off at the Brooklyn Bridge stop on the 4/5/6 subway line and was walking toward the memorial hearing the typical "sounds of New York". Ya know the hustle, the bustle, the confusion, the tension. As I approached the memorial all of that stopped. It seemed like that city block, in the middle of downtown NYC, was protected. There was a feeling of calm in the air that was something I had never experience before in such a normally frenetic place. Once I actually got to the site of the many buildings that were no longer standing, I was speechless. My older brother used to work in one of the towers; I had been in the towers and have a photo that I took from the top of one of them. I hope we, human beings, never have to experience anything so tragic ever again.

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