Wednesday, July 20, 2005

More drops and more blood, sweat & tears out on the pavement. It’s amazing how empowered being out in the field makes me feel. Even if I’m not getting calls at a given moment; it feels great to be at least attempting to make it happen.

THIS JUST IN!! Ha!! I went in for a “Dolby” print job last week and just got the call that I am on hold for Monday or Tuesday. Cool! That’s 2-2 this year for print. Not bookings, but being placed on hold. I know that I don’t get paid for it, but usually you have to get an “on hold” before you’re going to make any scrilla(cheese, cash, dough, dollars, deniro, pesos or money). Hmmm…maybe there is a market for me in the print world too.


Stephon Fuller said...

Hey Michele,

Thanks so much for the kind words; it really means a lot. Good luck to you on your journey! We have to hang in there and keep it moving!


Anonymous said...

Stephon, I know that *plenty* of people read your blog, and are inspired by you through the Back Stage forums, Actorsite, and your published comments in books as well! Keep on, man!

Suffolk, VA (Go Hampton Roads!)

Stephon Fuller said...

In short asianactor, drop-offs are driving around town and dropping-off photos. You never really knows what happens to them, but it's better than having them at home, I think. Take care!


Stephon Fuller said...

Nicole, I ddn't know you were from Suffolk, I'm from Virginia Beach.
