Today is my 7 year anniversary of moving to Los Angeles. I have survived……and cried(I miss my mom)…..and laughed………and thrived………
Whew!! Another day in the hot seat!! YEAH! I’m just trying to get it done, ya know, make it happen. I‘ve got to get these photos out there and KEEP ‘em out there. That is the key, staying power.
This new TV season is young and I’m trying to set myself up to have a nice, successful rest of the year. I would also like to eventually buy some property; that would make it easier for me to want to stay in Los Angeles. Not that I am trying to leave; it would just make it easier to really want to stay. I just my piece of the rock ya know.
I’ve been on the phone with my youngest brother Todd a lot lately. I mean we normally talk numerous times a day anyway, courtesy of Sprint free PCS to PCS. Matter of fact, often times I stay up until 3:30 am, 6:30 am for him on the East coast and we talk on his way to work and then I go to bed. We normally talk about business ventures back in Virginia Beach, but now it’s in a higher gear. I believe some things are ready to happen that will effect our family for years to come.
I connect really, really well with Todd; he understands me and he understands the way I think. He is definitely my ace. I can be kinda difficult sometimes because I am so curious about life and most people don’t have the patience to hear me rant. Not rant in the complaining sense; I just like to speculate about things……everything. I don’t blame them because I can go on and on……and on………and so on. I just love learning and listening…but I hate being misunderstood.
I’m really excited about my future, in and out of Hollywood. Then, another side of me says, “Truth be told; if I didn’t feel I was in such a wonderful position in my quest I don’t know that I’d stay in Los Angeles long term”. That may sound funny, but there are so many other things I‘d like to do in addition to what I’m already doing. The notion of going back to Virginia Beach to be with my family crosses my mind every week if not several times a week. Hmmm……maybe I’d feel different if I had my own family here in Los Angeles………maybe not. I’d have to get married first and that doesn’t seem to be in my immediate future. I couldn’t imagine raising a child here, many people do it successfully.
I feel like one of the luckiest guys in the world. I have a great team doing their part. Thank you Alicia, Brooke & Linda, Erin, Jeralyn, Kelley & Gordon, Cynthia & Pammela, Josh & David, Tracy & Kelly, Jenny & Rose, Michael, Steven, Julia, Hesper, JP @ Actorsite and many other special people at my agencies and various other places over the years. It’s great to work with, not only capable people, but nice, good hearted people too. I can’t believe it’s been 7 years already.
I come from a family of entrepreneurs; we’ve had a thriving, successful family business for over 25 years back in Virginia Beach. That is where the core of my business sense comes from. Even though I didn’t and still don’t see eye-to-eye with my father I learned a lot just because I was there working everyday.
As I was driving today to my first drop-off I thought about the fact that I am running my own business. I haven’t punched a clock in almost 4 ½ years. It hasn’t necessarily been easy. Actually, some of it has been unbelievably difficult and other parts of it have surreal, but I am still here doing my best to make it work.
I don’t know, today it just hit me kinda different and it really pumped me up and I’m usually pretty pumped up as it is. It feels great to be going after my future vs. just waiting to see what happens.
Congratulations Stephon, you deserve all the success you've achieve so far. I know there is so much more for you to come.
And congratulations from me too. You are doing what I wish I were doing. I've got the family and the time clock. I spend a few minutes each day living vicariously through you. Press on!
Thank you all so much for the kind words!!
Stephon, you deserve all the success you've achieved so far. Only bigger and better things will come, maybe like producing your own screenplay.
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