Friday, October 13, 2006

I did a bunch of running around today inquiring about advertising for my new consulting venture. It’s weird because I’m having to pitch myself to total strangers. The really cool thing is that I’m totally confidant in what I have to offer; which is a great feeling. I would think it’s like what a Honda salesperson must feel like – totally confident.

I just think what I offer is more unique than most of what’s out there because I’m a working actor that is currently in the game on a daily basis. Most that are teaching about the business don’t have that same perspective – I don’t think. Anyway, I should probably start getting on some panels around town to speak and get the word out.


Bonnie said...

When I first started consulting, I offered free sessions as prizes in giftbags at events (like HHH and the Flickering Image Film Festival). When we would raffle off prizes and someone would win a session with me, it was a great way for me to do a session (in the beginning) without worrying that someone would be disappointed and leave feeling that they didn't get what they paid for.

This was a great way to not only have my first sessions under my belt but also get the word out that I was a consultant (this was in late 2002, BTW). After that, I did consultation sessions like CRAZY for all of 2003 and 2004. Since then, the casting took off too much for me to keep consulting, but that's still how I got started and it's a good way to get the word out, if you're looking to do that.

Also pick up a book called Guerrilla Marketing for Consultants. The whole series of these books is great, but that one will be appropriate for what you're looking to do. It's on Amazon and in bookstores, natch.

Have fun!

Stephon Fuller said...

Hey Bonnie,

Thanks for the tips. I'm looking to speak at some acting classes around, but having to depend on people to return phone calls is a chore for me to say the least. I absolutely hate waiting on anybody for the same time it's stimulating. I'm totally having to sell myself which is interesting.

I'll take a look at the book you recommended. Thanks!!
