Monday, January 08, 2007

Audition: “Shell” @ Jessica J. Casting. This one went really well and I think I’m right for it. I would love to do a commercial with a NASCAR driver.

Audition: “Lexus” @ Natasha Cuba Casting. I think this went okay; I kinda jack it up a bit...sorta on purpose and sorta not. I just wasn’t feeling what was happening so I did my own thing. I guess we’ll see if it worked…or not.

I guess I’m back in my hustling mode – I was doing a drop-off today at a studio and the guard asked me what company I was with. I said, really fast “MySelf, Inc.”; he just looked at me. His co-worker died laughing; I told him to scribble it down real fast like a doctor and it’ll look legit. They let me through. I'm not usually so forward, but it seem to fit the situation.


Nicole J. Butler said...

LOL @ "MySelf, Inc." Sometimes it pays to be a little cheeky.

There's a lot to be said for having "moxie."

Stephon Fuller said...

Yeah, "moxie" is cool, but booking is cooler.