Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Audition/Producers: '"Til Death" @ Susan Vash Casting. I was in for this office just 2 weeks ago and I'm thrilled that I'm being brought back for another guest-star/possibly recurring role. I felt right for it and I’m losing a lot of my aversion to working on an AFTRA show – I think.

How crazy is this? Well, maybe it's not that crazy at all. Anyway, I thought it was at least interesting and you know me; I’ll watch paint dry just to make sure nothing happens.

Fred Thompson, who is all but in the race for the Republican nomination for the Presidency, is a well-known actor. Among other things he has appeared in well over 100 episodes of the "Law & Order" franchise.

Most candidates or potential candidates have formally announced whether or not they plan to run for their respective party’s nomination. At least one has already dropped out the race.

You might be wondering where the heck I'm going with all this. Or maybe you aren't. What does this have to do with actors?

The moment Fred Thompson officially declares his Presidential candidacy for the Republican nomination is this moment that all of his episodic runs and re-runs have to be pulled from the network schedules.

Why? Because any and all of his competitors can request equal time for the amount of time he's actually on the screen in any episode on broadcast television. I don't think the equal time provision extends to cable television, but the cable networks would probably pull the episodes too. I don't know, I thought it was interesting. That wouldn’t be good news for actors who worked in episodes with him, but great news for actor didn’t work in his episodes. Was that interesting?


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