Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Today is weird day in my acting journey. Well, not like crazy weird just a little…slightly…weird. It was 8 years ago today that I left my job waiting tables on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood. It was always, and continues to be, a huge personal victory for me to have made a living solely as an actor for such a period of time. For the time being that period is over; I am not currently making a living solely as an actor. Yes, the majority of my income is that of actor, but not every single penny like it was for seven years.

It would be easy to say this is a bitter-sweet anniversary and ignore the this date; or even be upset by the fact I’m working another job to supplement and modulate my income, but it isn’t that at all. Especially a position that happens to be at the same place and position I resigned from many years before. It’s simply another challenge being thrown at me and I must say I’m handling it well. No, things aren’t perfect, but I’m not doing bad considering the economic climate and industry turmoil we are currently experiencing. I continue to feel like an exception to the rule(s). I view the decision to rejoin the regular workforce as the best and single most important decision I made in the year of 2008 - I kid you not.

Yeah, besides modulating my income it has given a much, much needed break from the business side of the business. I don’t mean “the business” as in the day-to-day hustle; I mean it in the more serious sense of the future of the business on a career level. We are at a real turning point and things, I predict, will be different in the future. Frankly, paying so much attention to what was going was becoming a real drag for me; so I needed to step back – and I did in a really big way.

I’ve never stopped auditioning or pursuing my career, I’ve just been keeping a very low profile. It’s different for me to be kinda MIA, but I have to say that it’s great to do other things I like to do besides so much acting-related stuff. I’m really excited about my new cameras and the notion of becoming a better photographer. I’m not looking to do it professionally; I just want to be able to one day take great photos of my wife and kids – hopefully I’ll have one and some. So things are good, very different from a year ago, but good nonetheless. I have a lot to be thankful for and I am.


Anonymous said...

Great Blog Stephon! Just found it. I'm glad to hear that you found a way not to put all your eggs in the same basket and that you seems to like that way! I’m a actress too, down from Canada and here too It is getting bad, allot of us have a hard time to put some food on the table but like you said, the way I see it, just another challenge and a chance to grow at a personal level. Keep on your good work Stephon, you have a great attitude. Sabine Mondestin

cableclair said...

I admire you not being bitter about this and you shouldn't. Times are different than they used to be, no job is secure, everybody needs several horses to bet on and a combination of things to get by, as long as you can also do where your heart is all is good. It doesn't mean failure. Balances fluctuate. Saying you're an actor and just that would be cutting yourself short.You're Stephon Fuller, with tons of different talents to explore. Whatever is at the foreground will fluctuate, always and it's okay. Whatever it takes to pay the rent, right? Doing many things will enrich your life. All is good.