Thursday, March 11, 2010

Audition/Producers/Tape: “Love Bites” @ Debra Zane Casting. This was at one of my very favorite places to audition. Debra, Tannis and Shayna are just wonderful people…I wish I would have been more wonderful in my performance, but we’ll see. It’s an NBC series so maybe I’ll get back in for another role…if I don’t go further with this one.


Momma Moose Diaries said...

How did this audition go?
Sorry to just intrude on your blog but you have some really wonderful posts!
I have a simular blog. You can check it out if you like but ... I'm convinced it is no where near as exciting as this one!

Stephon Fuller said...

Hey Jessica!

How are you? Thanks for checking out my chronicle of my crazy journey.

Good luck to you too!
