Sunday, August 07, 2011

Home Sweet Home – what does that mean to me? I’m not sure but I know that I love being around my two younger brothers, younger sister and niece and nephew. We are great together; we laugh, we agree, we disagree, we learn from each other, but mostly we laugh…and I LOVE to laugh. I also love to make others laugh. I always wonder what it would be like if I moved back there.

Today we went gokarting and had a complete blast! It was such a great time! I REALLY wish I could stay longer, but I was only able to get a certain amount of time off of work. I really look forward to returning to the day when my “work” means acting and smart personal finance/saving/investing. I’ll get back there.


Life on the Sunset Strip…

Yes, I will deliver cigarettes to your room. It will only cost $14.29 and, yes, the matches are included.


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