Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Today I attended a director workshop with casting director/director Ellie Kanner. She cast the pilot and first year of "Friends" and "Dawson Creek". It was one of the best workshops I've ever participated in. The place where I have taken most of my workshops, Actorsite aka Hollywood, is really pushing forward in the area of bringing in directors/producers for actors to learn from. The entire session last about 5 hours. I actually had to postpone my dentist appointment because I didn't want to leave early and miss something.She broke us up in about four different groups. Each group had a different scene. The rest of the class other than the group that was reading anonymously gave feedback. Then, along with Ellie's professional feedback it was then delivered to the actor in a positive, honest and constructive manner. It was great to get such insight from a director. She even designated an assistant in the class to bring us in the room as we were coming in to read our scenes. She really touched on a lot of things that we sometimes forget. I definitely learned a thing or two or ten today.

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