Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Audition: “CLOO” Promo @ Joe Blake Casting. This was a great victory for me. Wall-to-wall copy for my character and I nailed it! I had a great time with a great partner.

Audition: “Lottery Monopoly” @ Carolyne Barry Casting. I studied with Carolyne about 5 years ago and I thought she was a great, no non-sense teacher. I went to her to help me increase my callback ratio. I’ve always felt that my callback ratio was on the lower side, BUT if I did get to the callback level my booking ratio was higher. So my brilliant plan was to try to increase my callback ratio and, hopefully, that would lead to more bookings. Funny enough, my callback ratio DID increase, but my booking ratio seemed to decline. I’m not sure why, more than anything I think it was/is just the ebb and flow of the business.

Anyway, the audition went okay. I did the first take; got a lot of direction from Carolyne and on the second take did exactly as instructed. I was happy with my redirect. I don’t think Carolyne remembered me as a former student, but that’s okay. It shoots in Detroit next week, I don’t know when callbacks are.

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