4,748 days ago I left 61st & West End Ave NYC 10023 and set up shop in Hollywood. It’s been a long, sometimes exhausting journey, but quite rewarding at the same time. I’ve been relatively successful as a performer…even though it doesn’t always feel that way. The plan is to keep on keepin’ on and breakthrough to what is next on my path.
Life on the Sunset Strip…
..and this part is REALLY important.
If say to the guy (who's super in-shape and built like an NFL safety)
"FU!!! I ain't your house %^$^$**#^! I'll see yo a** outside!"
IF you say that, it's important to either:
a) NOT be outside.
b) be able to reasonably defend yourself.
If "a" or "b" isn't an option you risk getting "knocked the EF out!" AND being asleep on the pavement when the ambulance comes to "pick yo a** up...just sayin.